About Refund always guarantee the safety of purchase from all customers and make sure the price is low and fair. Please order here with no concern.

The notification of refund

  1. The buyer could ask for the refund after paid successfully before the order was completed without any condition.
  2. We will close the order and refund the payment back to the buyer when orders couldn't be completed in 72 hours.
  3. We won't perform refund in the situation of the order was completed here.

Resolution of order with issues

Because of the wrong information filling by the customer which cause the delay of the delivery, we will contact the customer by email in the first time to help them to correct the information. We will try to email customer while they filled out the order in 24 hours and 48 hours again after the first email sent. We will perform refund after the request received in 72 hours and without response got from customers till then.

Resolution of shortage in the stock

For the orders those couldn't be completed in time due to the shortage of the stock, we will offer options to help customers to resolve it. And we will refund payment back to any customers immediately who don't want to wait, but if you can expect a while, we will try our best to restock as soon as possible.

Resolution of other problems

Please contact us at live chat or email to [email protected] if any order which couldn't be completed in time by any specific circumstance.